Spencer Beresford

Bank: Parr's Bank

Place of work: Ashby de la Zouch branch

Died: 5 June 1918


Spencer Charles Beresford was born in East Ilsley, Berkshire in 1882, the son of Charles William Beresford, a surgeon, and his wife Mary Spencer Beresford. He worked for Parr's Bank at its Leicester branch from at least 1906 until February 1914, when he transferred to Ashby de la Zouch branch. He worked there only briefly before leaving the bank in March 1914.


Within months, the First World War broke out and Beresford joined the Royal Army Medical Corps, on active service from February 1915. In autumn 1917 he was commissioned into the Royal Berkshire Regiment. 


Second Lieutenant Beresford was killed in action in France on 5 June 1918. He was 35 years old. 


Because Beresford had left the bank before the start of the war, London County Westminster & Parr's Bank did not officially regard him as one of its fallen, but the staff of Leicester branch, where he had worked for eight years, did count him among their lost colleagues, and included him in a locally-arranged memorial at the branch. It is still on display today at NatWest Leicester branch.

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