Arthur Dussee

Bank: London County & Westminster Bank

Place of work: Bedford branch

Died:  1 July 1916


Arthur Norman Dussee was born on 27 January 1890, the son of Arthur Wilmot Dussee and his wife Eleanor Frances. In January 1907, three days before his 17th birthday, he went to work for London & County Bank. He also joined the bank's sports club, where he was a keen hockey and cricket player. In 1909 London & County Bank merged with London & Westminster Bank, and Dussee became an employee of the enlarged London County & Westminster Bank.


In September 1914 Dussee left his job as a clerk at the bank's Bedford branch to join the army. In May 1915 he was commissioned into the Lancashire Fusiliers. Second Lieutenant Dussee died on 1 July 1916, the first day of the Battle of the Somme. He was 26 years old.


Arthur Dussee is commemorated on a bank war memorial at NatWest Bedford 81 High Street branch

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Message of remembrance


Hird family July 01 2016 10:00PM

My daughter was given Arthur's name at her school (St Bede's RC) as a special person to remember who sacrificed his life for his country in the Battle of the Somme, Today 1st July 2016 we have thanked Arthur, lit a candle for him in his memory and hope that his star always shines brightly.