Clement Fishwick

Bank: Parr’s Bank

Place of work: St Helens Branch

Died: 30 July 1916


Clement Duncanson Fishwick was born in Liverpool on 7 June 1893, the son of James Fishwick, a clerk for the Mersey Docks and Harbours Board, and his wife Theresa. He was educated at the Catholic Institute, Liverpool. In 1909 he went to work for Parr's Bank at its Wigan branch. In early 1913 he moved to St Helens branch.


In November 1914 Fishwick left the bank to join the army, serving as a Private in The King's (Liverpool Regiment). He fought on the Somme, and was killed in a charge there on 30 July 1916. He was 23 years old. His obituary in the bank's staff magazine noted 'His kindly disposition and goodwill made him a genial companion, and his loss will be felt by us and by those who continually came in contact with him'.

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Message of remembrance


The Liverpool Pals Memorial Fund 5 August 2020

In grateful recognition of the sacrifice made by Clement and his fellow Liverpool Pals during the Great War.