Herbert Hiley

Bank: Parr's Bank

Place of work: London Threadneedle Street branch

Died: 21 August 1915


Herbert Henry Hiley was born in Windsor in 1894, the son of John Malcolm Hiley, a civil servant, and his wife Sarah Elizabeth. He worked for Parr's Bank at its London Threadneedle Street branch, and was also a member of the bank's staff sports club.


Early in the First World War Hiley went away on military service as a Private in the Berkshire Yeomanry. He was killed in action at Gallipoli on 21 August 1915. He was 21 years old.


His obituary in the bank's staff magazine noted 'He was a very great favourite with all who knew him, especially so with the members of the Football Club, who regarded him as one of their most skilful players.'

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