Harold Lubbock

Bank: Coutts & Co

Place of work: London Robarts, Lubbock & Co office

Died: 4 April 1918


The Honourable Harold Fox Pitt Lubbock was born on 10 June 1888, the son of John Lubbock, 1st Baron Avebury and his wife Alice. In 1913 Lubbock became a partner in the family bank Robarts, Lubbock & Co, which his father had led for decades. The following year the bank was acquired by Coutts & Co, and Lubbock became an additional managing partner of Coutts & Co.


Lubbock was a volunteer soldier, an officer in the Queen's Own West Kent Yeomanry. He was mobilised on the outbreak of war in 1914, and served with his regiment in Kent before going to Egypt and thence to Gallipoli. He fought in Gallipoli until the evacuation and was then moved to Palestine, acting as Adjutant until his promotion to the rank of Captain in January 1917. Anxious to serve in France, Lubbock secured a transfer to the Grenadier Guards in July 1917, and served with them in France from January 1918. He was killed in action near Arras, France, on 4 April 1918. He was 29 years old and left a widow, Dorothy, whom he had married in June 1914.


His brother Eric also died in the war, as did his wife's two brothers.

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