Wilfred Spelman

Bank: Parr’s Bank

Place of work: London Lombard Street branch

Died: 13 November 1916


Wilfred Cubitt Spelman was born in Mortlake, Surrey, in 1885, the son of William Spelman, an insurance agent, and his wife Ellen Mary. From about 1904 he worked for Parr's Bank, initially at its London Threadneedle Street office and from 1909 at London Lombard Street. He was also a member of the bank's staff sports club.


During the First World War Spelman left the bank to join the army, and by 1916 he was a Lance Corporal in the Honourable Artillery Company, on active service in France. He was killed in action on the Somme on 13 November 1916. He was 30 years old.


Wilfred Spelman is commemorated on a bank war memorial at NatWest City of London office.

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Messages of remembrance


Ian Spelman May 26 2015 10:33PM

Former employee of Parrs bank Lombard street branch, 4177 L/Cpl Wilfred Cubitt Spelman, Honourable Artillery Company. Killed in Action Battle of the Somme 13-11-1916.


Ex signals craig pullman June 25 2015 12:48AM

the fallen, gone but never forgotten! rip sir