Jean Lamond

Bank: National Provincial Bank

Place of work: Newcastle branch

Died: 21 January 1941


Jean Irene Fleming Lamond was born on 19 November 1918, the daughter of Sarah Emma and John Fleming Lamond. She was educated at Hartshill Church of England School. She joined the staff of National Provincial Bank Ltd at its Stoke-on-Trent branch in April 1940, and moved to Newcastle branch in July 1940. Her colleagues remembered her charming personality, happy disposition, and wide circle of friends. 


On 16 January 1941, Lamond was at her home when the building was struck by enemy action. She sustained severe injuries, and her father lost his life in the raid. On 21 January 1940, Lamond succumbed to her injuries at the North Staffordshire Royal Infirmary. She was 22 years old.

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