Alan Wedderspoon

Bank: National Provincial Bank

Place of work: Finchley Road branch

Died: 1 February 1943


Alan Bayne Wedderspoon was born on 28 April 1916, the son of Andrew and Helen Samson McGavin Wedderspoon. Andrew, a civil servant in the note office of the Royal Courts of Justice, died in 1930 when Alan was 14. Alan was educated at Watford Grammar School, Newport Higher Grade School, Dundee and Boroughmuir Secondary School, Edinburgh.


In October 1933 Wedderspoon joined the staff of National Provincial Bank as a probationer at its Watford branch. He was promoted to clerk in 1936 and moved to Finchley Road branch in 1938. 


On the outbreak of war Wedderspoon left his job with the bank to serve in the armed forces. He became a sergeant in the Royal Air Force. On 1 February 1943 Sergeant Alan Wedderspoon was killed whilst taking part in a training flight in a Halifax bomber, which crashed near Anglesey, killing all 8 crew members. He was 26 years old and left a widow, Peggy, whom he had married just a few months earlier.



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