Gordon Webb

Bank: National Provincial Bank

Place of work: Holsworthy branch

Died: 8 July 1944


Gordon Reginald Webb was born on 28 January 1916, the son of Reginald Carder Webb and Mabel Mary Webb, both school teachers. His father, Reginald, died when Gordon was 6 years old. He was educated at West Buckland School.


In May 1934 Webb joined the staff of National Provincial Bank as a probationer at its Exeter branch. He moved to Exmouth branch in July 1935 and was promoted to clerk later that year. He moved to Holsworthy branch in 1939. Outside work he was a popular and prominent member of the Exmouth rugby team.


In June 1940 Webb left his job with the bank and joined the Coldstream Guards. He was recommended for a commission and transferred to the Indian Army in 1942, and by 1944 held the rank of Major. Major Gordon Webb was killed in action on the Burma front on 8 July 1944. He was 28 years old. 



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