John Wemyss-Smith

Bank: National Provincial Bank

Place of work: Chester branch

Died: 15 May 1942


John Frederick Wemyss Smith was born on 16 April 1919, the son of Charles Frederick Smith and his wife Charlotte Edith (neé Wemyss). He was educated at Altrincham Grammar School.


In August 1935 he joined the staff of National Provincial Bank as a probationer at its Manchester branch. He moved to Chester branch in 1937 and was promoted to clerk in January 1938.


On the outbreak of war Smith left his job at the bank to serve in the Manchester Regiment. He gained a commission in the regiment in May 1940. At around the same time, he added his late mother's maiden name, formerly one of his middle names, to his surname, becoming John Frederick Wemyss-Smith. 


Wemyss-Smith subsequently transferred to an officer training unit of the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. Pilot Officer Wemyss-Smith was killed in a flying accident in Britain on 15 May 1942. He was 23 years old.



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