Ralph Young

Bank: Westminster Bank

Place of work: London Goodmayes branch

Died: 2 July 1943


Ralph Charles Young was born on 11 June 1913, the son of Herbert and Agnes Young. He joined the staff of Westminster Bank in 1930. He was also a member of the bank's staff sports club.


Outside work Young served as a Special Constable, and after the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939 Young left his job at the bank's London Goodmayes branch to undertake full time duties with the Special Constabulary. In 1940 he transferred to the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, becoming a Sergeant Flight Engineer. He was killed in a flying accident on 2 July 1943. He was 30 years old and left a widow, Molly, whom he had married in 1940, and a young son.


Ralph Young is commemorated on a bank war memorial at NatWest Romford Chadwell Heath branch.

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