Ulster Bank head office

War memorial details

Bank: Ulster Bank

War: First World War

Original location: Ulster Bank head office, Waring Street, Belfast

Current location: Ulster Bank head office, Donegall Square East, Belfast



In proud memory of these brave men, members of the staff of Ulster Bank Limited, who having volunteered for active service, gave their lives for king and country in the Great War 1914-1918


James R Buchanan | William J M Casey | Francis Cinnamond | Thomas L Clements | William H Clements | Cecil A Crowe | James H Davison | Joseph Deery | Robert W Gilmour | John P Gray | Fred W M Greer | Neason H Hale | William E Hall | St Clair K N Laing | Fred D Mitchel | Charles J Moore | William E Morrow | Charles D McCammon | Joseph J M McKinney | Francis W McMurray | Francis O'Gara | Robert E Toye | James Watson | Gilbert C Wedgwood


"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old, age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn, at the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them" Laurence Binyon

"Their name liveth for evermore"